This is another one of our scene's where the two antagonists walk up to each other. We wanted to have a running theme in our music video of deserted and naturalistic locations as this location demonstrated this mood.
This is another one of our scenes where we see the protagonist walking down the path where he is confronted by the antagonist. This location makes this scene particularly effective as it portrays to the audience a normal, suburban neighbourhood which shows the normality of the protagonists life.
This is another scene where we see one of the antagonists, in a state of confusion drives off from the parked position and travels down the road. We used this location as it also showed the suburban environment.

This is another scene in our music video in which one of the antagonists drives off in the car, (which is seen in the two shots above). This location was used as we wanted to represent normal car park scene.

This location of the forest is used to show to the audience members of ideas of conspiracy and social implement. Therefore this has allowed us to build the ideas of showing the audience that the lower class are more than their appearance. The environment also makes it more confused and curiosity for the audience members therefore making it more oppositional and becoming a catalyst for the lower class audience members to join their order and society. This also becomes a misrepresentation of representing the upper class as an antagonistic and repulsive group of people that have corrupted our government structure.
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